Ilumencarnados seres
Três trópicos da tropicália
father christmas
I only got the shock at 2pm. I heard, opened my mouth and my thoughts flashed to the program Divino Maravilhoso (Divine, Marvelous) of Christmas ‘68, a few days before, on TV Tupi. I’d never seen such a violent scene in my life. It was simply Caetano, with a gun in his hand, his voice quiet and musical, calm and sweet, singing.
“Anoiteceu/o sino gemeu
A gente ficou/feliz a rezar…”
“Night has fallen, the bell has struck
We were happy to be praying…”
The gun was held without emphasis. Forgotten in his hand, the black barrel pointing at the audience, not focused on anyone, pointing at nothing:
“Eu pensei que todo mundo
fosse filho de Papai Noel…”
“I thought that everyone
was a child of Father Christmas…”
- » caetano and tanks
- » caetano is here!
- » father christmas
- » lindonéia (beauty – also the title of a song by caetano)
- » living together
- » on the telephone
- » playing at being professional
- » rehearsal 1
- » when in doubt, run
- » witness statements
- » como vandré escapou
- » ensaio 2, 3, 4…
- » minhas idéias gozando com o palco dos outros
- » pelo telefone
- » torquato, torquato