Ilumencarnados seres

Três trópicos da tropicália

joão gilberto

This is how João’s great labor of modernization came to build on Caymmi’s effortless modernization. At once impressionist and primitive, the greatest inventor of urban-modern samba, Caymmi weighs as heavily on the Joãogilbertian elaboration of bossa nova as Orlando Silva, Ciro Monteiro, American music from the thirties, and cool jazz – while possessing more gravity. Everything in João pays homage to him, from his sense os structure to his direction.

Tha way that João Gilberto heard Caymmi and cultivated the standard he set for the word as song – this is the selective filter of bossa nova; it is the source of the torque in Tom Jobim’s music and the poetry in that of Vinicius.

+Ilumencarnados seres
Três trópicos da tropicália