Ilumencarnados seres

Três trópicos da tropicália

the name

The movement that turned the tradition of MPB on its head in the sixties earned the name tropicalismo, Tropicália, a term first Invented by the artist Hélio Oiticica and then given as title to one of my songs by Cinema Novo director Luís Carlos Barreto from which tropicalismo was derived, is more than beautiful-sound to me: It is even preferable, to avoid confusion Gilberto Freyre’s term “Luso-tropicalism” (something much more respectable), or with the Study of tropical diseases. Furthermore it is free front the -ism which precisely owing to its reductiveness, facilitates the circulation of the Ideas and repertory created, conferring on them the status of a movement.

+Ilumencarnados seres
Três trópicos da tropicália