Ilumencarnados seres
Dissonant Voices
The Tropicalist movement is a group of elements that together have great unity; it is really a totally new proposal. But I have a number of criticisms, several issues that I’d like to discuss: I was against the movement in its inception; I guess I didn’t understand it completely and later, probably with a clearer head, I came to have a better understanding of the sort of work they were proposing to do.
This type of rupture has always happened at different times. Some were more violent and others less so, depending on the temperament of each of them. But one can feel when talent is involved. I can see a thousand things and disagree with them, but despite all my criticism and disagreements, something is very clear, and that is Caetano Veloso’s talent. That is as clear as water. There’s no question about it.
Extract from Música Popular Brasileira Cantada e Contada por: Tom, Baden, Caetano, Boscoli, Zuza Homem de Mello, Melhoramentos/Edusp, 1976