Ilumencarnados seres

Três trópicos da tropicália

goals of the movement

After the bossa nova revolution, and to a great extent because of it, there emerged the tropicalista movement whose aim It was to sort out the tension between Brazil the Parallel Universe and Brazil the country peripheral to the American Empire A country Welch at the time was ruled by a military dictatorship believed to have been fostered by the anticomunist maneuvers of the American Empire’s central Intelligemce Agency. Tropicalismo was to Incorporate two contradictory attitudes one, our approval of the version of the Western enterprise offered by American pop and mass culture Including our recognition that even the most naive attraction to that version is a healthy Impulse, and, two, our rejection of capitulation to the narrow interests of dominant groups, whether at home or internationally It was also an attempt  to face up to the apparent coincidence, In this tropical country, of a countercultural were emerging at the same time as the vogue in authoritarian regimes.

+Ilumencarnados seres
Três trópicos da tropicália